Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 34

I wasn't feeling well Sunday and Monday, but it was nothing related to taking DE. Some other events in my life sent me through a period of depression, and all my energy went downhill while my appetite returned to what it had been before starting DE, and my blood pressure jumped back up to 165/113. At first, I didn't realize what was going on, and began to wonder if all the great effects of taking DE were all in my head. But then I realized why I was feeling so bad, and sat down last night to write and pray over the situation, after which I immediately started feeling better.

This morning I took my blood pressure, and was very happy to find that it had dropped down to 140/94. My energy is back along with the motivation to keep moving and getting things done. My right knee continues to be pain free for the most part, while my left knee is pain free here and there. It was bothering me Sunday and Monday, but did well through both jobs yesterday, and is nearly pain free today.

Another thing I am still amazed at is the way my hair is growing back. Yesterday when I got home from the second job, my hair was dirty and wet with sweat. It was under such conditions that I had originally noticed it was thinning out, and when I went to cut it a few weeks ago, I was devastated at how little hair I had. But last night with my hear all greasy like that, I could clearly see where some new hair was growing! Over the last week or so I thought I felt my hair getting thicker again, but last night I could actually see it!

So far, it seems that many of the things I have heard DE will do, are true. I just hope this continues because, if things continue going the way they have been, in six months from now I will be much healthier than I have been in a long time.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 31

I can't believe how much better I feel since I started taking DE a month ago. Before I first started taking DE, I was feeling run down and sluggish. My blood pressure was 160/111. Both of my knees were very painful, and there were times when I couldn't walk without having one or both of them bandaged or braced. And on top of all this, I was gaining weight and my appetite was beginning to spiral out of control.

Now my energy level is fairly high, and my level of motivation is high. I find myself wanting to keep moving, to keep getting things done. My blood pressure is up a little from last time (150/101), but that could be caused by the two glasses of Mountain Dew that I drank a few minutes before taking my blood pressure.

My knees are both doing well - the right knee is almost completely normal, still not as strong as it was before it was injured, but it is coming back nicely. The left knee is also almost back to normal. I have not needed to brace it for the last two days, and I have been going up the front steps without needing to hold on to anything to help myself up! Before I started taking DE, my knees did not seem to want to get better, and there were many times I spent the entire day staying off my feet because the pain was so bad I could not walk.

I have also noticed that my hair, which had thinned out when I was taking blood pressure medicine, now appears to be growing back again! I was worried because it looked like I was getting a small bald patch on the top of my head, but it looks like the hair has started to grow back!

My appetite is still much lower than before, and I lost another pound since I last weighed myself. I am now down to 263.

Makes me wish I had started taking DE a long time ago.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 27

I am posting this early in the day as I have a busy day ahead.

My energy levels are still amazingly high. I cannot believe that, just four weeks ago, I was dependent upon energy drinks and lots of caffeine just to get myself moving. I still have a lot of caffeine, but nothing like before. The last energy drink I had was last Thursday when I had to get up early to take my roommate to the airport, then go to work afterward. I had gotten less than 5 hours sleep the night before and needed an extra boost to keep myself awake.

But it's more than energy - my motivation to get moving is much higher. I have a difficult time just sitting still to watch TV or work on the computer. Even sitting down to type this is difficult as I just don't want to sit still. I want to get moving and get things done. It is such a beautiful day outside, and even though I know I should not let myself get worn out early in the day because I have a housecleaning job this evening, I really do not want to sit still! Even with the energy drinks, and loads of soda pop and cola I drank before, I did not have this kind of energy or motivation. Before I started taking DE, I could sit still in front of the TV or computer for hours. After two cups of coffee and one glass of cola today, I have at least three times the energy I had when I would have two cups of coffee and an energy drink before.

Another thing that helps my energy and motivation is that my left knee is now almost pain free! I have been on it a lot over these past few days, but it is getting much better instead of worse with the activity. I have been using a brace off and on, but I have not needed the brace today at all, and I have been outside several times, going up and down the steps. The right knee is pretty much normal now. With both knees feeling better, I intend to start using my treadmill again along with dancing for at least 20 minutes a day to my iPod. I will keep you updated on my progress with the exercise.

I have not checked my blood pressure today, but it was still 140/100 yesterday, which has me a little concerned. Hopefully the exercise will help. I know that it will come down as I lose more weight.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 25

I spent all day yesterday fighting off the fleas. The DE worked wonderfully on the fleas on the couch and the rug, but the poor animals did not stand a chance. I put so much DE on my black cat, that the poor thing nearly turned white! After a couple of hours, she seemed more comfortable, but was still scratching and biting once in a while. I brought the dog into the house, and I could see the fleas crawling all over her and jumping onto the couch. I dusted her down again, but DE does not work quickly enough. It definitely does not seem like a good solution for indoor/outdoor animals because it takes so long to work. I will be buying flea collars for both animals tomorrow. There is the option of treating the yard with DE, but I do not like the thought of killing all insects just to get rid of fleas.

While I love how well the DE did when it came to killing all the fleas on the couch and on the rug, I really do not like using it for large areas as the dust migrated and now covers everything in the house! I just vacuumed the rug and washed the blanket that covered the couch, and now I have to dust and vacuum the entire house to get rid of the dust. If I lived alone, I might be able to handle the dust, but having a roommate who has asthma makes DE an unacceptable solution for killing the fleas.

On the good side of things, my appetite has diminished to the point where I was able to skip breakfast yesterday - I had to skip breakfast because I could not make myself eat! After just one cup of coffee, I had the energy to do all my laundry and do some cleaning on my room before lunch. My lunch consisted of a turkey bologna sandwich, which almost seemed like too much food. Dinner was a plate of steamed cauliflower and broccoli. I barely snacked at all - having only a package of pop tarts which I nibbled on throughout the day, taking only a bite here and there.

Today was pretty much the same. I forced myself to eat a sandwich for breakfast so I wouldn't be attacking the baked treats at church, then had a salad for lunch and a small serving (only 1/3 of what I would normally eat) of macaroni and cheese for dinner. Energy has been high for most of the day, but my blood pressure was up to 140/100 when I took it earlier.

One thing I am very proud of - I had bought myself a chocolate chip muffin at the store for a treat, but so far I have only had two bites of it! I still love chocolate, but two bites seemed like the perfect amount tonight. If this keeps up, then the muffin will last me several days, and before I started the DE I would have eaten the entire muffin at one sitting!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 23

This is actually Friday's entry. I am writing it late because I had to deal with a major flea infestation.

This morning I had more energy than I knew what to do with! I took my morning dose of DE with my first cup of coffee and was practically bouncing off the walls before my second cup of coffee was finished. The energy lasted all the way through work today. I also had plenty of energy left over to do some cleaning in my room. My appetite is still decreasing, and I found that I was only able to eat one half of an egg and cheese sandwich and about 1/4 cup of cottage cheese. Before I started taking DE, I could easily have finished that breakfast and then some.

Lunch and dinner were the same in the respect that I did not eat nearly as much as usual.

Tonight I got an idea of how well DE works against fleas. I had quit using it on the animals as much as I should have because I was worried it was making the animals itch worse, but now I know they were scratching because of fleas. I hadn't seen a flea in the house until tonight when I found myself covered in them after walking on the large area rug in the middle of the living room floor. So I sprinkled DE all over the rug and used a broom to spread it out and brush it in where the fleas might be hiding. Then I covered the love seat where my dog lays when she comes in. A few minutes later, I saw over a hundred fleas crawling all over the love seat.

After seeing that, I went outside and thoroughly coated my dog in DE, then put some on the outside cat and went back inside to powder the indoor/outdoor cat who was scratching like crazy. At that point, it seemed that the fleas were going nuts! The cat was scratching worse than ever, and the fleas were jumping all over the love seat. I guess that maybe fleas really do hate DE.

After making sure the love seat and rug were completely covered in DE, I went in and took a shower to wash the DE off of me as my feet, legs, and hands had gotten a lot of the stuff on them. When I came back out, I noticed what looked like a few dead fleas around the edge of the rug. I checked out the love seat and found that there weren't as many fleas moving around, but found that they were jumping all over the floor next to the love seat. Some looked like they were still healthy, and some were obviously dying. I am hoping they will all be dead by tomorrow morning.

At least the cat looks like she is much more comfortable now. She is not biting or scratching at all, but is laying comfortably on the kitchen floor. I think the dog is more comfortable now too. Earlier I could hear her moving around underneath the window and scratching a lot, but she seems to be settled down too.

I just hope I don't wind up having to dust the rest of the house with DE. It's just too messy. Times like this make me grateful that I don't have carpeting.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 22

I skipped a day yesterday as there was nothing new to tell. Everything is still pretty much the same, blood pressure yesterday 135/98 and today 133/96. Much lower than when I first started taking DE. My weight today was 264 - that's 4 pounds lost in 13 days without any real change in the amount of exercise I get.

My appetite is still much better than it was. Even when I feel like snacking, I don't snack nearly as much as I used to. I just don't feel like I want to eat as much as I did before.

My left knee is still a big problem. I am now wearing a knee brace to keep from stressing the knee so much. I can walk normally without a brace, but going down steps or rising from a seated position is painful, and my knee feels sore afterward. The right knee, however, feels completely normal now.

My back is still feeling much better as well. Even with the constant bending at work, the constant pain I used to feel is gone.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day Twenty

Left knee is now doing much better and my right knee appears to be completely back to normal!

I checked my blood pressure today and it was 135/95!! When I first started taking DE it was averaging around 160/110! This is amazing considering that, except for taking DE, I have not changed anything in my diet, and because of my knee I am not getting as much exercise as I was when my blood pressure was much higher. It has to be the DE that is bringing it down - there is no other explanation.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day Nineteen - caught up to the present

This morning, as with yesterday morning, I noticed that I wake up much more easily and do not need my dose of DE until my coffee is ready. I have been mixing it with my coffee these last two days, and though it gives the coffee a slightly strange texture, it doesn't effect the taste.

Energy and motivation were high this morning, and the left knee does feel better, but I am keeping it bandaged just to make sure.

My back is getting better by the day. I still cannot believe that, for the last few years, I could not touch my lower back because of the pain. But now I can rub that part of my back with minimal or no pain at all, depending upon what I have been doing to put stress on it.

Day Eighteen

This is the last post that I am recreating from my diary. The rest of this blog will be a daily record of my experiences with using DE as a nutritional supplement.

Had more energy at church this morning, though I did have some of the treats that were on the table with the coffee. Even with a decreased appetite, I have a difficult time resisting home made chocolate chip cookies.

The energy stayed with me most of the day yesterday, and I was awake enough after church, grocery shopping, and doing some cleaning, to start this blog.

Blood pressure readings were down to 144/99 tonight!

Day Seventeen

Tried an experiment to see if I could go without caffeine today. Not good, not good at all - DE does give me energy, but I still need my caffeine.

I was half-asleep when I went to lunch today. But my appetite is still much lower that it was before I started taking DE. I ordered a smaller lunch than usual, and ate just over 3/4 of it. I was so tired that I had two cups of coffee when I got home, and started to feel better instantly. I guess I have to ween myself off of caffeine slowly.

The one knee is still not doing well, though the other feels wonderful.

My blood pressure readings were the biggest surprise tonight - 145/101!

Day Sixteen

Why oh why did I have to be so stupid when I was showing the customer how much better I was feeling?

Not much else to report. Everything else is still pretty much the same.

Day Fifteen

Major setback with my knees after my stupidity yesterday. I cannot walk without a tight ace bandage on the left knee. The right knee is also sore, but I don't need to bandage it. What was I thinking?!

Other than that, energy is still good. I did not have an energy drink this morning and I felt great at work, and still had the energy to go grocery shopping afterward, though the pain in my knee made me tempted to use one of the little carts to drive myself around the store.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing in hopes that the knee would feel better.

Appetite still diminished, and I find that I cannot comfortably have dessert after dinner because it makes me feel too full and bloated.

That time of the month has passed with almost no cramps or mood swings or anything like that. Considering what I normally go through, this was the most comfortable period I have ever had!

Day Fourteen

Was showing the lady I work for how much better my knees are, and I actually jumped up and down without pain. Though I am worried that this was not smart because there is nothing that will heal my knee if I keep overdoing it. I am getting so tired of this 'two steps forward, one step back' as far as my knees are concerned.

When I got home, I realized I had made a big mistake. The left knee is now grinding when I walk on it. If I hadn't jumped up and down on it, this would not be happening.

Day Thirteen

Still recreating these posts from my diary.

Energy somewhat low today, but motivation seems to be up. Glad there is no work today, but I need to get some stuff done outside.

Had no trouble walking around the yard, though I think I am doing to much too soon as my knees are getting sore.

Day Twelve

No work today, but getting some things done around the house. As I said before, DE is a part of my morning routine now. I take it with whatever I am drinking that morning. Energy much higher than expected considering I am on my period. Still no mood swings, and very little cramps.

Both knees are doing much better, though the one is still sore. Another thing I have noticed is that the back pain I have become accustomed to now gone. There was a time when I could not even touch my lower back, but now I can massage it!

Appetite still much decreased, and an egg and cheese sandwich with a little bit of cottage cheese on the side seemed like too much for me this morning!

Blood pressure averaged 155/105 when I took it this afternoon. Evening readings were 155/104.

Did some watering outside today and had no trouble walking around the yard. Overall, I am feeling better than I did before I started taking DE.

Day Eleven

Hot day today. Did not have much energy. Was right about 'that time' starting - but still no mood swings or cramps.

Dusted the dog and cat with DE today, and put some in the dogs food (I have been doing this since day one). The outside cat also got some in his food as I am worried that he might have worms or something. He was losing weight and didn't have much appetite, but his appetite seems to be coming back now. Not sure if DE has anything to do with the outside cat's recovery because he has been taking antibiotics to deal with an infection so that could be why he seems so much better.

The dog seems to have more energy and appetite since starting on the DE. But she is also back on a partially raw diet after a few days away from it, so that could have a lot to do with her energy and appetite as well.

My appetite is still decreased, and my energy seems to be increasing without extra caffeine. I did not have an energy drink today and still feel pretty good - not a lot of energy but not falling asleep on my feet or anything - though I am used to the extra caffeine.

My one knee feels great and the bad knee also feels good enough to not need a bandage today. Still have to make myself take it easy though just in case.

Day Ten

For anybody who hasn't read the earlier posts, the first 18 days are being recreated from the diary I started when I first decided to take DE as I dietary supplement.

Blood pressure reading 160/105. Apparently last reading was not just a good day - it has actually come down a few points.

Saturday and no work, but I find myself with too much energy to stay off of my feet. The dishes and two loads of laundry done before 11:00am.

Appetite still down, and I was only able to eat half my breakfast today - a breakfast that would have been small by my standards a couple of weeks ago.

One thing I have noticed since taking DE - I am very 'regular.' Much more so than before. Another thing I have noticed is no PMS. I can feel that 'that time' is quickly approaching, but no mood swings or stomach cramps so far.

Day Nine

More energy than usual when I got up this morning. I took my DE and found that I felt immediately refreshed and ready to go. Still need caffeine though. One glass of cola and one energy drink needed before work.

I have also gotten into the habit of taking DE in the afternoons, and sometimes at bedtime as it does seem to help when I have an upset stomach.

I got on the scales at the customer's house today - 268 - down two pounds from two weeks ago, and my exercise has been limited due to the knee problems.

Knees do feel a little better - the right one is sore but nothing like before.

Day Eight

What was I thinking yesterday when I climbed up on those bricks? Can barely walk on that knee today but still have to go to work.

Need another energy drink today, but I swear the energy drinks are not as strong as they used to be. Even a Monster has little effect on me. Very tired today and wonder if diving into a tub of DE would help.

One thing I have noticed though, is that I am sleeping very well lately. I used to wake up every hour or so, or toss and turn, but now I sleep for several hours straight.

My meals have definitely decreased in size. I cannot eat anywhere near what I could before.

Took blood pressure tonight - 160/105, and this is an average not a single reading. I should point out that the reading I posted before was an average, not a single reading. I don't go by single readings as readings do fluctuate. I am wondering if the DE is having any effect on my blood pressure or if this is just a good day.

Day Seven

I just want to point out that the first 18 days of this blog are being recreated from the notes that were written down in my notebook. I started the notebook to keep track of my experiences, so I could see if the DE was really working and measure the effects of it. I am still keeping this 'diary' of my experience with DE.

Back to the past - the energy from taking the DE in the mornings seems to be even more pronounced. I find myself motivated to get more done even though I know I need to take it easy on the knees. Still, I find myself climbing up on the bricks out front to water the tomato plant in my upside-down planter. Not a good idea, but the bad knee is still holding up. The other knee? Sore, but feeling better. Not sure if this is just from natural healing or if the DE has anything to do with it.

Appetite is increasing, but nothing like before.

Day Six

Not much appetite for breakfast this morning. Just an egg and cheese sandwich and a glass of cola.

I didn't get much sleep last night so I had energy drink before work today, but somehow the energy drinks don't have the same effect anymore. Motivation to get moving is high, but I am very sleepy.
Still, work seems a little easier and my knees are both feeling better even though I did overwork them yesterday.

Another dose of DE when I get home and another job tonight is all I can think about after the first job is finished.

Only a salad for lunch today.. just not as hungry as usual. Though I did have pop tarts for a snack later, my dinner was only half of what it usually is. I also notice that my motivation and energy are high for the evening job.

Day Five

My roommate went to his morning class, and I found myself motivated to clean the kitchen floor despite the pain from the bad knee (the other knee is feeling noticeably better). After two hours worth of work, the kitchen floor looks wonderful and only one knee is giving me problems.

Appetite is still low compared to normal, and energy is still improving. I really hope this lasts!

Day Four

Falling into a routine of taking DE the minute I get up in the morning. It really does seem to help me get going.

Still noticing the effects on my appetite. Normally when I get to church, I go straight to the table where the coffee and morning treats (cookies, doughnuts, etc...) are, but this morning I got a cup of water and had no desire to eat any of the sweets.

The energy I had seemed to go away after church and grocery shopping, and despite taking another tablespoon full of DE (as I had gotten into the habit of doing), I needed to take a nap.

Day Three

Every other Saturday, I go out to eat lunch with my aunt and a friend of ours. Normally, I get a fairly large meal and can eat nearly all of it. That morning, I took my dose of DE and had a small breakfast. Again, my energy level was fairly high for a while, and I took this opportunity to get the dishes washed before I took a shower.

It was after taking the shower that I noticed that the one knee was not as sore as usual. I hoped that this meant it was actually getting better, but at the same time I knew it was too soon to have any real positive effects from taking the DE.

That afternoon, we went to lunch, and that was when I noticed that I could not eat anywhere near as much as I had been able to eat before. I actually had to take half of my lunch home to have for dinner.

At home, my energy was still high and I used that opportunity to get my laundry done, as well as cleaning up a bit in the kitchen.

Day Two

I took the DE with a small amount of soda pop the minute I got up. My first impression was that it made the cola fizz incredibly. Once the foam turned back into cola, I quickly drank it then started my normal morning routine.

I don't know if it was psychosomatic or if it was truly the effects of the DE, but I felt more awake than usual and had a bit more energy. The 'awake' feeling lasted for about an hour, while the energy seemed to last for most of the morning while I was at work.

One other thing I noticed was that my appetite (which is usually somewhat unhealthy in that I am always hungry) had somewhat decreased. Instead of wanting a big lunch after work, I found myself content with only a sandwich. Whether it was the DE or not, I just hoped it would continue in this way.

I took another tablespoon full of DE after lunch with some water, and felt somewhat refreshed a few minutes later though I had been exhausted from work. I actually had some energy, but the problems I had been having with my knees made me want to stay off my feet.

Which brings me to another thing I should mention. Before starting the DE, I had serious problems with both knees. Both knees had been quite painful after an injury to one of then had caused excess pressure to be put on the other knee so I could continue to work. At this point, both knees needed to be bandaged, and I was taking lots of ibuprofen just to be able to keep working at my job as a house cleaner.

According to what I have read about DE, it is supposed to help with joint pain. This was one claim I hoped was true.

Day One

I woke up to see that UPS had left a large box just inside my fence - where anybody could have reached over the fence and grabbed it! I quickly took the long walk down my driveway to carry the box with the 10lb bag of Diatomaceous Earth back to the house.

I opened the box, and right away I had a problem - how to store the Diatomaceous Earth so that I could easily use it without making a mess. After finding a few continers - including a large plastic shaker container that had once held garlic salt, I began to fill the containers with the dusty white powder.

I read the instructions, which listed all the various ways DE could be used, and all of the ways it could benefit a person when used as a nutritional supplement, before taking a large tablespoon full and mixing it with a small amount of cherry Kool-Aid in a cup. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was no odd taste to the DE, but it did give the Kool-Aid an interesting texture - sort of thick and slightly gritty.

I don't know if it was all in my mind or not, but I right away I noticed a feeling that I can only describe as being similar to when a thirsty person gets a glass of water. It was as if my body was soaking up something it desperately needed. Though the instructions said to take one tablespoon full per day, I decided to take a second one, then I continued to fill more containers to store the DE.

Later that day, I decided to take my blood pressure to get a measurement when I first started taking DE. The reading was what some would consider shocking, but what I have learned to live with - 165/111. With numbers like these, some may wonder why I don't take medicine to lower my blood pressure. There are several reasons. First, the doctor I had been seeing was one I did not trust, and with no medical insurance, I don't have the money to see a different doctor. Second, the side effects I had been dealing with while on blood pressure medicine were enough to make me want to deal with the high blood pressure rather than taking those pills - irregular heartbeat, lack of energy, difficulty staying awake, thinning hair, and a few others. After dealing with these side effects for over a year, I decided to find natural remedies to control my blood pressure. Unfortunately, the natural remedies only brought it down so far (without taking the other supplements my blood pressure can actually go up to 170/118).

After taking my blood pressure, and writing down the reading in my notebook, I went outside to use the DE on my animals to treat for fleas. Unfortunately, my poor dog only seemed to itch worse with the treatment, but that could have been because she needed a bath. My cat, who has super thick fur, seemed to be much more comfortable after being powdered with the DE, and after a couple of hours, she was actually able to sleep without constantly waking up scratching.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What is Diatomaceous Earth and why did I decide to try it?

Considering most people who come here will probably already know what Diatomaceous Earth is, I will not go into a long detailed post about what it is made of. If you need to find out more about Diatomaceous Earth, then you can look it up.

The various uses for Diatomaceous Earth range from pool filters (filter grade) to an insecticide, to a wonder cure for whatever ails a person (food grade). This blog will center on my experience with using food grade Diatomaceous Earth as a nutritional supplement.

How did I come to the decision to start taking Diatomaceous Earth? I was looking for a place to buy food grade DE for use as an insecticide to get rid of the fleas on my dog and cats. I did not want to use any chemical insecticides after hearing of some animals being harmed by them. Plus, I do not like the smells of some of these insecticides. While browsing the various websites, I found some amazing claims of how DE can do everything from give a person stronger hair and nails, to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Having tried many other 'natural remedies' for my high blood pressure, I decided that it would be worth a try since I was getting it for the animals anyway.

Why create a blog about this? Because of my frustrations with trying to find reliable, unbiased information about how well DE works as a nutritional supplement. After relentless searches, all I could really find were the claims and testimonies on the various websites that sell the product.

I have been taking DE for nearly three weeks now, but this blog will recreate my experience from the notes I have been taking since the first day I started taking DE.