Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 41

A comment that was made to an earlier post asked for more information about me. I figured it might be a good idea to address the reasons why I didn't post much about myself in the first place.

I had considered writing something about myself in the 'about' section, but couldn't really figure out what to write. I am not really comfortable sharing too much personal info online, but I realized that sharing some personal info is necessary as people may want to know more about the person who is writing this blog.

I already posted much of this information in reply to the comment on the previous post, but I thought it would be a good idea to post it again here.

My name is Mary, and I am 43 years old. I live in California with a roommate, two cats, and a dog.

My reason for trying DE in the beginning was desperation. I spent 10 years addicted to methamphetamine after my father passed away, before quitting drugs just three months before my mom passed away 10 years ago. My health began to spiral downwards while I dealt with the grief, and I gained over 100 pounds. I didn't realize how bad things had gotten until a dentist refused to work on my teeth because my blood pressure was 204/125. After going to a doctor that I can only describe as somewhat less than "in touch with reality," and spending nearly two years on blood pressure medicine, I finally quit taking the medication and decided to search out a natural remedy to lower my blood pressure.

I learned about DE when somebody posted on a pet website about DE being a natural alternative to poisonous pesticides for killing fleas. When I went to the various websites in search of a source for DE, I read about how DE, when taken as a nutritional supplement, was supposed to be able to lower blood pressure, to help with weight loss, to heal sore joints, and many other wonderful things. I figured that, since I was buying it for the pets anyway, I might as well try it.

What frustrated me was the fact that I could not find any real information about how well DE worked as a nutritional supplement. All the info was on the websites that sell it. So after taking DE for a couple of weeks, and seeing what it was doing for me, I thought it would be good to write about my experiences so others could get unbiased information about DE. I don't sell DE, nor do I work for anybody who does sell it, so this makes me the perfect candidate to write about it.

Anyway, I hope I have answered any questions you might have had about me. And I hope my experiences with DE will give you the information you need to decide for yourselves whether or not to try it.

Speaking of my experiences, yesterday my left knee was put through a vicious workout - without wearing a brace or bandage on it - with a lot of walking in addition to a lot of lifting at the one housecleaning job I had. I had agreed to help clean out a laundry room, and bring in the shelves the lady had bought to use for storage. After moving some heavy cases of cola, canned goods, and other items which had been stacked on the floor, I had to clean the floor then help to bring in the huge baker's rack she was using for shelves. Then I got to lift all of the heavy stuff onto the shelves and finish cleaning the laundry room. It took over 2 hours just to finish the laundry room with all the moving and organizing, and my knees were feeling sore, but I was able to walk normally this morning and did not need a brace or a bandage on either knee even while working on this mornings job! My back did not hurt either. Even before I injured my knees, I would have been taking ibuprofen like candy after a job like that, but I feel great today!

I honestly think it is because of the DE that I am able to do that kind of work without the pain I would have felt in the past.

I have not had the chance to weigh myself again yet, but I put on a pair of shorts today that used to be tight on me, and found that they are fairly loose on me now. I will get a chance to weigh myself again on Friday, and I am hoping that I have lost at least another two or three pounds since last time I weighed myself with those scales.

Unfortunately, my blood pressure has not gone down any further. In fact, it averaged 140/100 yesterday. Today it averaged about 137/99. I am not happy with these numbers, though they are a lot lower than when I started taking DE. But I will not let myself panic. I am going to start my exercising again tomorrow (I haven't done any dancing for the last couple of days). I will get my blood pressure - and weight - back down to where they are supposed to be.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary. I'm in a bit of a different situation than you are, and I appreciate you doing this. I thought the same thing about the information that was available, and it being only available from sites that sell it.

    A bit about me. Earlier this year my right kidney was removed due to a tumor. A tumor that was determined to have cancer in it. So, from then on I've been very concerned with what I eat and how I take care of myself. And then, last month my Dr. tells me that I need to start blood pressure medicine because my pressure is gradually going up. He said that I can stop taking them when I lose some weight. I don't need to lose much. At that time I was 215 pounds. If I get to under 200 pounds, I should be able to stop taking that and my cholesterol medicine. So, I took the blood pressure medicine for a month, and while I was on it, I thought there had to be a better way. On May 28th, my pressure was 155/96. The last time I took it (a couple of days ago), it was 136/73. I've been taking DE for the last 2 1/2 weeks. And I do believe my lower pressure is from the DE. (It didn't drop that low even after being on the medicine for a month) I'm also down to about 208 pounds. I'm not sure if that's because of DE because I have changed my diet and exercise routines.

    One other thing about me that DE is supposed to help is IBS. I've got that to, and don't have regular bowel movements. Let's just say that things are different, but I'm still not "regular".

    I have also started giving DE to my dogs, and as I suspected, at least one of them (I have 3) has worms. I can safely say that DE does take care of those problems too.

    I purchased a FitBit ( for my wife and I. I use that to track how many steps a make each day. That was really helped me to get off of my rear and onto my feet. It maybe something you might want to consider, as I would imagine that walking would be less trauma on your knees than dancing. Not that you have to have a FitBit to do it. Any pedometer will do.

    Lastly, I'm 42. My kidney cancer was well within stage I. The tumor was only 4.1cm big. So, (knock on wood) I should be okay from here on out. I do go back in a couple of months for a CT scan to make sure. And I'll have one of those once a year for 5 years.

    I'll post comments in the future of anything else I notice about DE. Thanks again for doing this blog. And hang in there, you'll do it! The last line of your post says you will!
