It's been a very busy day for me today, but I was able to deal with it far better than I would have before starting DE up again. I got through a difficult housecleaning job, drove my boyfriend out to the hospital for the tests his doctor wanted, and waited for over an hour and a half without feeling like falling asleep, did a quick grocery shopping trip, made dinner, and listed some items on ebay without feeling tired - though I did take a quick nap before making dinner. Just two weeks ago I would have been too tired after work to do anything except take a long nap the minute I got home from work.
My appetite is finally decreasing. I had a difficult time making myself eat breakfast this morning, and my desire to snack was pretty much gone today. The lady whose house I cleaned this morning said that it looked like I am losing weight, though the scales don't show any difference yet. Last time I weighed myself the scales showed 257.7, which is pretty much the same as I weighed a few days ago.
My moods have remained very stable even in situations that would normally put me in a bad mood. My boyfriend suggested that maybe the change in mood is simply because I am feeling better physically. He might be right about that because pain, and overall lack of energy, will take away one's motivation, and bring a person's mood down. But what I was going through seemed like more than just dealing with low level pain and lack of energy. Anybody else have any thoughts on this or noticed mood changes after taking DE?
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