Last Friday, I had what I thought was going to be a serious setback. I was bringing several bags of groceries up to the house, carrying all of them in my left hand - which was not a good idea in the first place since my knee is still not as strong as it should be. Without thinking, I went up the steps - left foot first - without using the bricks at the side of the porch to lean on and help me up the steps. As I was bringing my right foot up, I heard and felt a sickening snap/pop in my left knee, followed by a shooting pain then weakness. I managed to get up the steps, but my knee was in a lot of pain at that point. Still, it was not as bad as I had feared it would be. The knee was weak, and it hurt to bend it or to get up from a seated position for the rest of Friday and most of Saturday. But by Saturday night I was able to go walking through the store with my roommate when he needed to buy some clothes, and Sunday I had very little problems when I went to church then to the grocery store afterward. The knee is a little painful at times today, but I was able to do some exercise without making things worse. The right knee is still feeling as if nothing had ever happened to it.
That is one thing that really amazes me - before I started taking DE, if my did something stupid like I did on Friday (actually, I wouldn't even think of trying to carry groceries up the steps before I started taking DE), my knee would be in serious pain and I would need to stay off of it for several days, and brace it before going to work. As far as exercising three days later goes, the thought would never even enter my mind. It just seems that the knee gets over things like that so quickly now.
One of the things I have been asked is, where is the best place to buy DE? As I am trying to keep this blog completely unbiased, I will not recommend a specific store or seller. I bought mine at an online store as I could not find anywhere to buy it where I live. With shipping, 10 pounds of DE cost me $30 - just over $14 for the DE and just over $15 for shipping. I was checking eBay this afternoon and found I could have bought the same amount of DE for $25 with shipping from one of the sellers. With the amount of sellers and the varying amounts of DE that can be bought on eBay at very competitive prices, I will more than likely get my next bag of DE from one of the sellers on eBay. One thing I do not recommend is buying from a health food store as, from what I have seen, the prices are much higher at health food stores. Instead, look around for the best price, as there is little difference in the DE from a health food store that costs $7.99 for 1/4 pound and the DE bought elsewhere at 10 pounds for $15.
Another thing I am often asked is, "how much do you think I should buy?" The answer to that depends upon whether or not you will continue to use DE, and how you will use it. The next time I buy some (which depends solely upon my financial situation), I am hoping to be able to get a 50 pound bag, which can be purchased for as little as $45(with shipping) off of eBay. Now, while it seems almost impossible to use that much DE in a household where only one person takes it as a dietary supplement, I do go through it very quickly, and it would save me a lot of money to buy that much. The 10 pound bag I bought is nearly gone now. Of course I have given at least a pound or two away to others who have wanted to try it. But I have found that it works so well for so many different things that I would probably use a lot more of it if I had it.
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