Monday, June 14, 2010

Day Seven

I just want to point out that the first 18 days of this blog are being recreated from the notes that were written down in my notebook. I started the notebook to keep track of my experiences, so I could see if the DE was really working and measure the effects of it. I am still keeping this 'diary' of my experience with DE.

Back to the past - the energy from taking the DE in the mornings seems to be even more pronounced. I find myself motivated to get more done even though I know I need to take it easy on the knees. Still, I find myself climbing up on the bricks out front to water the tomato plant in my upside-down planter. Not a good idea, but the bad knee is still holding up. The other knee? Sore, but feeling better. Not sure if this is just from natural healing or if the DE has anything to do with it.

Appetite is increasing, but nothing like before.

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